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What’s right for you?
For women with average risk:
Under 40: No recommendation for
mammogram. However, if you have
any concerns about your breast health
or you have a family history of breast
cancer, speak with your physician
about getting screened.
Ages 40 to 44: Talk with your doctor
about whether having a mammogram
is right for you.
Ages 45 to 54: Have a yearly
Age 55 and older: Have a
mammogram at least every two
years. Talk with your doctor to see if
more frequent screenings are right
for you.
Women at higher risk include those
who have:
A personal history of breast cancer
(you have been diagnosed with breast
cancer in the past).
A family history of breast cancer.
A genetic mutation known to
increase risk of breast cancer (such
as BRCA).
Radiation therapy to the chest
before the age of 30.
No matter your age or risk for breast
cancer, you should perform monthly
self exams. Seek the advice of a physi-
cian if you detect any changes in your
Source: American Cancer Society
LIVING WELL is published as a
community service for the friends and
2975 N. Sycamore Drive, Simi Valley,
CA 93065, telephone:
SimiValleyHospital.com .Information in LIVING WELL comes from a wide range of
medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about
specific content that may affect your health, please contact
your health care provider.
Models may be used in photos and illustrations.
2016 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Jennifer Swenson
President and CEO
John Dingilian, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Kathryn Stiles
Director of Marketing and
Communications, Editor
Steve Willis
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Simi Valley Hospital’s
Outpatient Nutrition
Counseling program teaches you how to make healthy
choices about the food you eat—whether you want
to use nutrition to manage an illness
or just want to improve your overall
health and wellness. A specially
trained dietitian will work with you
to create and reach your nutrition
goals, all in a non-judgmental and
compassionate setting.
Learn more! Go to
SimiValleyHospital.com, hover over
“Services” and click on “Nutrition Counseling Services.”
To schedule an appointment, talk with your physician or call the
Outpatient Nutrition Counseling program at
3-D: A newdimension
women will
be diagnosed with breast cancer in
her lifetime. Eight out of nine women
who are diagnosed with breast can-
cer will have no prior family history of
the disease. Early detection is still the
number-one way to beat breast cancer.
Mammography, self-exams and other
preventative screenings are key to get-
ting an early diagnosis.
If you undergo a 3-D mammogram—
also known as breast tomosynthesis—
you’ll discover the experience is very
similar to having a conventional 2-D
mammogram. The breast is compressed
between two plates, and the images are
created with the same X-ray technology.
The difference is that the machine
moves in an arc across the breast,
taking several more images than with
traditional 2-D mammography and from
a variety of angles.
Why 3-D mammography?
There are several benefits:
A clearer view of breast tissue.
Three-D mammography reveals
breast tissue and irregularities in their
actual location within the breast. A
3-D image makes it easier for physi-
cians to evaluate areas of concern
with precision.
Fewer false positive results.
Because physicians can see breast tissue
more clearly and in better detail with
3-D mammography, there will be less
chance of a false positive result, which
triggers the call for a follow-up appoint-
ment. Current studies show that 3-D
mammography reduces false positives
by 30 percent.
Better cancer detection.
detection is a key to survival for breast
cancer. Preliminary studies show that early
cancer detection is increased by more
than 40 percent with 3-D mammography.
To schedule a mammogram at Simi Valley Hospital,
call the Nancy Reagan Breast Center at 805-955-6122.
To learn more, go to
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